„Lighthouses symbolise all that is best about human beings: the desire to warn of danger, the desire to save in a disaster, the desire to bring help to survivors and the desire to point to a proper way of life.”
Welcome to Gdańsk Nowy Port Lighthouse, one of the most attractive lighthouses on the Polish coast and the only one with a time ball. Read on…
In the nineteenth century the time ball was a device to enable the captains of ships to make precise adjustments to the marine chronometers that were necessary for determining the position of the ship on the map during the voyage. It was thus essential for safe navigation. Read on…
The lighthouse at Nowy Port is one of the most attractive and distinctive historical buildings of Gdańsk. It is also a building with its own remarkable and sometimes extremely dramatic history, in which it figured in the stormy fate the city and in world events. Read on…
Keep up to date with what is going on at the lighthouse at Gdańsk Nowy Port. Read on…
“The lighthouse was meant to be the fulfilment of my dreams, but it became my life’s project”,
laughs Jacek Michalak.
One of the most attractive lighthouses of Northern Europe. From the first it served a threefold purpose: as a marine lighthouse, as a tower for the harbour pilots and as the only base on the coast of Poland for a time ball.
Inside you can enjoy the beautifully preserved historical optical devices and the wonderful lighthouse exhibition. The view from the top of the lighthouse over the port of Gdańsk, Westerplatte and the whole of the Bay of Gdańsk as far as Gdynia and Hel is also a delight.
It is one of the magical places of Gdańsk which absolutely must be visited!

T he Nowy Port Lighthouse is widely considered to be the most attractive, the most fascinating and the most pleasantly furnished lighthouse on the coast of Poland. Come and visit this remarkable place and you may reach the same conclusion.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, lighthouse is temporarily closed.
28th April – 31th August 2018:
Daily 10:00 – 19:00
1st-30th September 2018:
Saturdays and Sundays 10:00 – 17:00
Organised groups of 10 or more people – daily by prior appointment tel. +48 693 125 932
We speak English, French and German.
Lighthouse Gdańsk Nowy Port
Address: ul. Przemysłowa 6a, 80-542 Gdańsk
E-mail address: morska@latarnia.gda.pl
Mobile: +48 693 125 932